January 21, 2025

Artist Glen Blakely’s work subject of event at St. George museum

Bowls created by late Dixie State University art professor Glen Blakely is shown here on display at the St. George Art Museum.

For 13 years, Southern Utahns grew familiar with the writing and photography of journalist Brian Passey, an authority on matters pertaining to art and entertainment for The Spectrum & Daily News. Passey returns to St. George to discuss the life and legacy of the late Glen Blakely, Feb. 16 at 7 p.m., during this month’s Art Conversation at the St. George Art Museum.

The Art Conversation will also be live-streamed online at  www.facebook.com/stgeorgeartmuseum.

“Brian wrote a tribute article that was pivotal in the curation of the exhibit: ‘Glen Blakley: Retrospective,’ that can be seen at the museum,” Museum Manager Natalie Gula said. “The sincerity and thoughtfulness Brian conveyed was deserving of a larger audience, so we used some quotes and other information for our wall decals and text panels. His entire article is also available inside the museum alongside some of Glen’s work.”

Brian Passey

Passey’s writing garnered many awards during his journalism career. In addition to The Spectrum, his work has also appeared in USA Today, St. George Magazine and The Southern Utah Independent. Passey is now the communications manager at Scottsdale Arts, an Arizona-based nonprofit that encompasses several non-profit entities.

Art Conversations is a monthly series (third Wednesday) that provides an inside view on current exhibits at the St. George Art Museum. Admission to Art Conversations is free. Donations are appreciated. Attendees will have the pleasure of enjoying the exhibit as well.

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