Youth comics to share best jokes, silly songs

Phoebe Beal, left, delivers a punchline with Monty Rugg on drums during the 2019 Funny HaHa event, hosted by Waterfall Arts in Belfast. Contributed photo
BELFAST — Waterfall Arts plans to host “Funny HaHa,” an “All Ages Art Happening,” from 1 to 3 pm. Saturday, June 12, at Steamboat Landing Park, 34 Commercial St.
At this picnic-style, distanced gathering, youth comics as young as 4 are invited to step up to the stage to share their best jokes or silly songs. There will be goofy games to get the crowd giggling, a collaborative doodle area, a special “Dad Joke” competition, and materials for a surprising drawing game by the Surrealists called “Exquisite Corpse.”
Attendees can wear wacky get-ups and bring picnics, but are asked to please avoid wrappers or other fly-away items, and to pack out all trash.
The events are community-building art parties that engage people of all ages in memorable, multi-sensory experiences that everyone can enjoy, whether they consider themselves “artsy” or not.
Organizer Bridget Matros says folks should expect the unexpected and consider themselves a part of the entertainment at Funny Haha.
Waterfall Arts’ business sponsors include Page Gallery, Whitecap Builders, and Marshall Wharf Brewing Company.
Launched in 2000, Waterfall Arts is a community arts center that offers resources to students, professionals, and arts enthusiasts of all ages. Opportunities include classes, exhibitions, art events, performances, open community studios (clay, print, glass, and darkroom photography), and public art projects. For more information, visit or call 207-338-2222.
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