February 18, 2025


Super Art is Almost

Shop Art In December At Coronado’s Art In The Park | Coronado City News

Christmas shopping is approaching top priority, especially with the expected shortages in shops. Think about presenting a one-of-a-kind painting to those special people on your list. Art in the Park, sponsored by The Coronado Art Association, invites you to shop locally with them in December. Artists Tina Christiansen, Mary Hale, Jean Pierre Marques, Jim Nix, Connie Spitzer, and others will be displaying their work on Saturday, Dec. 4, Sunday, Dec. 5, and Sunday, Dec. 19 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Please note that this year, Art in the Park is adding a Saturday, Dec. 4, to their regular schedule.

You will have the opportunity to meet artists from all over San Diego and Coronado while selecting unique gifts that will be valued for a lifetime. The friendly group of gifted artists will welcome you to view their works, talk with them, and browse.

A select group of CAA artists’ works can be viewed and purchased at the C-3 Gallery located at the Coronado Community Center, 1845 Strand Way, from Dec. 2, 2021, through March 2022.  

Coronado Art Association has been in existence since April 7, 1947 and will be celebrating their 75th year in 2022. They conduct Art in the Park every first and third Sunday each month, year-round in Spreckels Park on the corner of 7th and Orange Avenue.

According to their website at CoronadoArtAssn.com, the artists in CAA are carefully selected by a five-person “jurying process to ensure consistent professional quality and originality. Many are represented in galleries and specialty shops throughout the San Diego area. Some have their own gallery/studios.” The artists, more than 50 who reside throughout San Diego County, work in every genre: “oil, acrylic, and watercolor painting; etching; photography; wood and metal working; stained glass; ceramics and a variety of other unusual and distinctive art forms.”

Whether you purchase an artist’s work or not at Art in the Park, you will enjoy the leisurely time spent among quality fine art and the artists who created them.