Arts Council of Scotland County to host photography camp
Jun. 22—LAURINBURG — The Arts Council of Scotland County is getting ready for its second art camp of the summer. After finishing a great arts and craft camp with Colour Me Creatif’s, Tina Maynard, the arts council is preparing for a photography camp hosted by Myra Stone of Myra Stone Photography.
The photography art camp will be held on June 28-30. Myra Stone will instruct students about photography techniques and tricks of the trade. Students must bring their own digital cameras, cell phone, or iPad. The camp is designed for ages 10-18 and will be from 2 until 4 p.m.
“The photography camp is about teaching kids the importance of visual arts. They will learn how to take amazing photos with their smart phones or digital cameras, along with tips and tricks to capturing better images,” says Myra Stone.
This year’s summer camps will be the first event to be held at SACS in almost two years due to the Coronavirus.
“There are so many amazing activities taking place in our community and I am so excited to be offering this as a way for kids to get to know the world of photography and to capture it through their eyes,” Stone added.
Due to safety precautions there will be a cap size for each summer camp. This camp is open to the first 15 students to register. You can register for the camp by visiting The cost of the camp will be $35 per student.