January 23, 2025


Super Art is Almost

Manufacturing and innovation are being invested in Gothenburg by Europe

Chalmers’ participation in EIT Manufacturing is expected to increase its ability to benefit from a long-term sustainable society. Image credit: Production2030​​

EcarX to establish European HQ in Gothenburg | Invest in Gothenburg

​In the new European network for innovation and education in future manufacturing industries, Gothenburg is one of the five nodes. 450 million Euro will be invested in the EIT Manufacturing Programme by the European Institute of Innovation & Technology on December 5, 2018. Chalmers, AB Volvo, Sandvik, and RISE Research Institute have been chosen as partners in the EIT consortium Produktionsbolag Göteborg.

EIT Manufacturing aims to raise the manufacturing industry in Europe to a high standard so as to compete effectively on the global market for jobs and customers. The program will create advanced innovation environments and training programs.

A global market is incredibly important for Swedish and European industries. The University of Chalmers is honoured to be hosting the North-European node of this great investment in education, training, and industry innovation. Chalmers will be able to develop sustainable societies through EIT Manufacturing,” says Stefan Bengtsson, President and CEO of Chalmers.

EIT Manufacturing is headquartered in Paris. Gothenburg, Vienna, Milan, Bilbao, and Darmstadt will be the five European innovation community nodes of the program.

Johan Stahre, professor at Chalmers, who coordinated the North-European Group in the winning consortium, says, “The competition was fierce, but our consortium was able to clearly portray how industries, universities and institutes will collaborate to create entrepreneurship, new businesses and jobs” in Europe.

Manufacturing EIT

During the next seven years, EIT Manufacturing will be a seven-year initiative. The programme is scheduled to be completely operational by 2020. Over two billion Euros will be invested including the parties’ co-funding. Among EIT Manufacturing’s strategic objectives are life-long learning, student involvement, efficient innovation systems, extensive digitalization, focus on individual customer demand, safer manufacturing and healthier manufacturing.

Across a broad spectrum of industries. All interested companies, universities, and institutes will have access to innovation, education, and training resources.

Manufacturing EIT​​

Europe is at the forefront of manufacturing innovation


Please contact:

Colocation Centre North Interim Director, Johan Stahre, Professor, Chalmers, +46 31 772 12 88

EIT manufacturing chairman Klaus Beetz

The EIT is the European Innovation and Technology Institute

In 2008, EIT was launched in Budapest as an independent organization in the EU to support innovation and entrepreneurship throughout Europe. The EIT has since then funded and established networks of universities, research labs, and companies dedicated to climate, digitization, food, health, energy, raw materials, manufacturing, and urban mobility.


​Social security in Sweden is extensive. For your benefits, your insurance agencies (Försäkringskassan) are responsible. It is important that you can afford to miss work when necessary. You can claim this benefit even if you are away from work due to the birth of your child or a family illness. Tax revenue in Sweden significantly subsidises this benefit. For example:

  • Paid while on sick leave
  • Parental leave of 480 days
  • Schooling for free

We strive to achieve a healthy balance between work and life at Chalmers. Choosing the best path to make a difference is what we strive to provide for you. As a result of our ambitious goals in this area, we have generous annual leave agreements, as well as favourable arrangements for you as a parent.

Hours of work

It helps us to be a better university when you are able to manage your own working hours. The main working hours agreements at Chalmers are as follows:


Operation Support personnel are primarily affected by this. Flexitime options during lunch and before and after the fixed hours.

Hours of work that are not regulated

Researchers, teachers, and PhD students normally fall into this category. As long as you are working in accordance with your assignments, “non-regulated working hours” means that you can do your work when and where you want. In this case, you and your manager will talk about what is appropriate.