Find adventure, misadventure through playful series of paintings
Expedition Fun by Bryson Thurston: 7 a.m.-7 p.m. daily through Jan. 11; The Sentient Bean, 13 E. Park Ave.
Solo exhibition blurs the lines of adventure and misadventure through a playful series of mixed media paintings, created in 2021; inspired by time spent on Tybee Island and in Savannah during late spring. Cowboys, explorers, and characters found in his paintings are reminiscent of a childʼs fantasies of adventure and seem to have a story all their own. Bryson chooses to leave much up to the imagination: the series invites the inner child of the viewer out to play, rekindling a sense of joy and curiosity we all once knew.
Gallery Listings
Submit your event at [email protected]. Published online. Events printed in chronological order as space allows. Info at 912-652-0365, leave a message. Art shows practice COVID restrictions with face masks and social distancing.
“Follow the Thread”: through Dec. 31; JEA, 5111 Abercorn St.. Fiber Guild of Savannah show. Group involved in fiber-related arts – spinning, weaving, dyeing, quilting, knitting, basketry, rug making, paper manipulation, needle felting, and crocheting are just some of the crafts our members explore. We have a strong sense of community service and volunteerism.
Ceramics, prints, paintings by Harriet Zabusky-Zand: 2-5 p.m. Tuesday-Friday; 817 E. 69th St. and Sutlive Street. Request appointment y calling 508-737-0945; [email protected],,
$300 & Under by various artists: through January; Location Gallery @ Austin Hill Realty, 251 Bull St. Featuring a variety of mediums including painting, photography, mixed media and more, this show has over 30 Savannah artists with all works being $300 or less.
Participating artists: Stacie Jean Albano, Carmela Aliffi, Jamie Azevedo, Lino Azevedo, Claire Barrett, Angela Burson, Lennie Ciliento, Antoine deVilliers, Laurie Darby, Emmy Dudley, Joy Dunigan, Tate Ellington, Maxx Feist, Tamara Garvey, James Graham, Beth Logan, David Laughlin, Calli Laundre, Heather MacRae, Marta McWhorter, Jennifer Nolan, Lisa Ocampo, Jan Pagratis, A.J. Perez, Michelle Perez, Dana Richardson, Peter E. Roberts, Shelley Smith, Troy Wandzel, Lisa D. Watson, Paula Gomez Williamson, Jon Witzky, Calvin Woodum, Rose Marie Woulfe and Heather Young.
White Elephant: through Jan. 2; a group exhibition by Sulfur Studios supporters;
Change of Plans – illustrations by Kay Wolfersperger: through Jan. 2; Foxy Loxy Cafe first floor, 1919 Bull St. Savannah; She studied at the Savannah College of Art and Design and earned two BFA degrees, one in graphic design and one in fibers. She has worked in many roles throughout the design industry, now as a freelancer. .
Scary Tales: until Dec. 31 in Chat Gallery. By Lisa Ocampo, Tiffany Star O’Brien, Lee O’Brien and Peter E. Roberts, this is a holiday show with art inspired by the spooky, the surreal and the spectacular with wicked prose by each artist. A variety of mediums includes paintings, mixed media, assemblage and carvings. Gallery profits from the show are donated to programs at Front Porch Improv.
ARTS Southeast: New nonprofit with a mission to make Savannah a destination for art and culture in the Southeast by supporting established and emerging artists and engaging a diverse community with programming by developing awareness and appreciation of the arts. Sulfur Studios is flagship program. Executive Director is Emily Earl.
Irritable Pelican Artisan Gallery: 10 a,m.-4 p.m.; 802 1st St., Tybee Island;
Savannah African Art Museum: 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Wednesday-Saturday, 201 E. 37th St.; West Africa gallery tours start on the hour, every hour, with the first tour beginning at 11 a.m., last tour at 4 p.m. Central Africa gallery tours start every hour on the half our, with the first tour beginning at 11:30 a.m. and the last tour at 3:30 p.m. Masks are required for all visitors and staff while inside the museum. Admission free; donations appreciated;
This article originally appeared on Savannah Morning News: Here are the art galleries and exhibits to see in Savannah this week