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A new art walk, an homage to Casa Bonita, lots of photography and some big nods to underrepresented artists are just a few of this week’s gallery viewing adventures. What will you fancy?
Courtesy of the Five Points Atlas
Welton Street Art Walk
Welton Street Plaza, 2736 Welton Street
Wednesday, February 17, 4 to 8 p.m.
The folks behind the Five Points Atlas aim to help restore the Five Points business district on Welton Street back to its former glory by showcasing stories about Black businesses and entrepreneurs who are overlooked by the mainstream press. Now they want the public to come on down and see what’s going on by instigating the Welton Street Art Walk, a monthly event on third Wednesdays that kicks off on February 17. Expect live music and vendors, with art by Zoid Ham, Tyler Aguilar “Crispysz,” Aubrey Rose, Akiala I and Michael Board “CLRDBOY” on view inside Welton street businesses. If weather keeps you away this month, keep an eye on the website for news about the March art walk.
Julie Payne, “Sopapillas!”
Julie Payne
Wish You Were Here: Fourth Annual Casa Bonita Art Show
Next Gallery, Art Hub, 6851 West Colfax Avenue, Lakewood
February 19 through March 7
While the legendary Lakewood temple of kitsch Casa Bonita remains closed with no certain reopening date on the horizon, Next Gallery’s popular Casa Bonita Art Show will go on as planned in its fourth rendition, in homage and with hope for the future. There will be no opening party or Casa Bonita tours this year because of COVID, but you can still revel with artists in memories of mediocre food and unmatched entertainment experiences at the gallery or online. A fool can always dream, after all.
Rashod Taylor, “LJ and his Fort.”
© Rashod Taylor, courtesy of CPAC
Reflecting Voices: Alanna Airitam, Narkita Gold and Rashod Taylor
Colorado Photographic Arts Center, 1070 Bannock Street
February 19 through April 17
Opening Reception: Saturday, March 6, by timed entry, between 4:20 and 7 p.m.; register online in advance
Zoom Panel Discussion: Wednesday, March 10, 6 p.m.; register online in advance
The Colorado Photographic Arts Center (CPAC) exercises its muscle as the new organizer of Denver’s Month of Photography biennial with some smashing exhibitions of its own, beginning with Reflecting Voices, a triple statement of the Black experience and identity including work by Alanna Airitam, Denverite Narkita Gold and Rashod Taylor.
DAVA mentor Preston Utley captures photos of people in masks for Masquerading.
© Preston Utley
Downtown Aurora Visual Arts, 1405 Florence Street, Aurora
February 19 to March 19
The artist-mentoring youth programs of Downtown Aurora Visual Arts (DAVA) get involved with Month of Photography with a focus on the face masks that have become a familiar sight in the last year of pandemic guidelines. Photographer Preston Utley leads the way for DAVA kids expressing their feelings about wearing the masks in public settings in the main show, where his own sensitive work sets an example; a window side show at DAVA showcases the photo-journaling work of Quaranteens, created by a group of middle- and high-school students commenting on life during the forced lockdown.
Leah Wagner, “Tropical Relic Number Two,” 2021, inkjet print on wood.
© Leah Wagner
Bitfactory, 851 Santa Fe Drive
February 19 through March 11
First Friday Reception: Friday, March 5, 6 to 9 p.m.
Bitfactory greets MOP 2021 with a city-minded quartet of photographers (David Eichler, Jeremy Patlen, Bailey Russel and Lea Wagner) from Denver and Laramie, who show both sides of city life — the elegant and the gritty— while also radiating that certain je ne sais quoi that permeates urban settings.
Carole Goodwin, “Fenced Out,” acrylic, charcoal and galvanized wire on canvas.
© Carole Goodwin
Sync Gallery, 931 Santa Fe Drive
February 18 through March 13
Sync Gallery’s second annual Syncopation show casts a light on the venue’s contributing artists, revealing a full spectrum of styles and mediums from an intermediary group that pays a yearly fee for access to more limited exhibit space than full co-op members.
“Opening to Light,” oil on canvas by Jeffrey Harrison.
Jeff Harrison
The Modern Nude: Contemporary Art of the Human Form
Artemesia Galerie, 836 Santa Fe Drive
February 20 through April 17
Opening Reception: Saturday, February 20, 4 to 10 p.m.
Artemesia, the new kid on the block in the Art District on Santa Fe, introduces itself to the world with a visual feast of nudes and high hopes for the future. A group show, Meeting the Goddess, opens in April, followed by a solo from portraitist Destiny Bowman in June. Welcome to the row!
Matt Pevear, On The Chance That You See It
LMP PDA, Lane Meyer Projects, 2528 Walnut Street
February 22 through March 7
Denver photographer Matt Pevear — who captures the ordinary, unexpectedly raising all kinds of feelings about how everyday visuals of rocks, puddles and window views can play with the human mind — takes over the next two-week drive-by viewing stint in LMP’s COVID-friendly window display. Pevear’s work will be for sale; the artist pledges 60 percent of all sales to Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains.
Interested in having your event appear in this calendar? Send the details to [email protected].
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